How to Use This Help System To read about a particular aspect of Conflict Catcher, choose a topic from the Topic menu at the top of this window. The text in this window will change to show you a chapter on the topic you selected; click Save As to create a text file of this window; Print to print a copy; or Copy to copy the information to your Macintosh Clipboard, ready for pasting into another program. Note that two other help mechanisms are also available: Balloon Help (choose Show Balloons from the Help menu, and then point to Conflict Catcher’s buttons, menu commands, and other elements for pop-up help comments) and the printed manual. Introduction to Conflict Catcher At the heart of Conflict Catcher is its ability to manage extensions and control panels. You’re probably familiar with these software add-ons already — they’re the little icons that march across the bottom of the screen when you turn on the Macintosh. Each adds some useful new feature to your Macintosh — the ability to use the Internet, CD-ROMs, or networking, for example — but each slightly increases the likelihood of system problems, such as freezes and crashes. Conflict Catcher’s ability to tame these files can have considerable impact on your daily Macintosh life.